Adrien MERER
2007-04-24 07:09:42 UTC
REMINDER, CMMR 2007 Sense of Sounds!
This is a reminder for the CMMR 2007 Sense of Sounds that will take place
jointly with ICMC2007 in Copenhagen, August 27-31, 2007.
Paper and Music Deadline: April 30.
CMMR 2007 is the fourth event in this series, and this year we would like to
emphasize on the Sense of Sounds from the synthesis and retrieval point of
view. This theme is pluridisciplinary by nature and associates the fields of
sound modeling by analysis, synthesis, perception and cognition. In spite of a
growing activity and interest by the international research community for this
particular theme, CMMR2007 will be the first international gathering devoted to
this specific topic. We hope this conference will attract researchers
from a wide variety of fields, such as signal processing, acoustics,
psychoacoustics, cognitive neuroscience, musicology ...
More information concerning the paper submission to the CMMR2007 can be found at
the ICMC2007 website (in the " Call for papers " link)
Papers closely related to the conference topics are planned to be published as
post event proceedings in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) Series
Best Regards
The CMMR 2007 team
This is a reminder for the CMMR 2007 Sense of Sounds that will take place
jointly with ICMC2007 in Copenhagen, August 27-31, 2007.
Paper and Music Deadline: April 30.
CMMR 2007 is the fourth event in this series, and this year we would like to
emphasize on the Sense of Sounds from the synthesis and retrieval point of
view. This theme is pluridisciplinary by nature and associates the fields of
sound modeling by analysis, synthesis, perception and cognition. In spite of a
growing activity and interest by the international research community for this
particular theme, CMMR2007 will be the first international gathering devoted to
this specific topic. We hope this conference will attract researchers
from a wide variety of fields, such as signal processing, acoustics,
psychoacoustics, cognitive neuroscience, musicology ...
More information concerning the paper submission to the CMMR2007 can be found at
the ICMC2007 website (in the " Call for papers " link)
Papers closely related to the conference topics are planned to be published as
post event proceedings in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) Series
Best Regards
The CMMR 2007 team