Cumhur Erkut
2007-12-18 11:53:43 UTC
*ICMC 2008*
The Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen’s University, Belfast, in association
with the International Computer Music Association and the Sonorities Festival
of Contemporary Music, is proud to be hosting ICMC 2008. The Conference will
take place between 24-29 August 2008 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The theme for 2008 is ‘Roots/Routes’. The Conference explores notions of
placement and displacement in the context of music practice. It provides an
opportunity for the investigation of the interface between technologies which
develop through international collaboration and the specificity of music
cultures rooted in a place.
The theme can be addressed through papers, compositions, installations and
performances which explore the sense of place and context in relation to sound
and technology. A growing list of conference topics can be seen on the website
(see ‘Themes’ and ‘Recent Comments’ on
<>). We welcome contributions to the debate on this
site. In addition to submissions addressing the conference theme, the
organising committee welcomes submissions on all traditional areas of computer
The Conference provides an opportunity to showcase works for tape and video
which exploit the unique 46-channel diffusion system at SARC. Details of the
diffusion system can be found at
In line with the theme for 2008, the Conference also exposes the synergies
between computer music and traditional musics. For 2008 there will be a
particular emphasis on Irish traditional music and a new ensemble has been
established which comprises internationally renowned contemporary and Irish
traditional music specialists. The ‘Roots’ Ensemble is designed to explore the
juxtaposition of two distinct performance practices and musical languages
through the creation of new repertoire. It comprises flute(s), saxophone(s),
trombone, piano, violin, cello, percussion, Irish fiddle, Irish harp,
accordion, and uilleann pipes. Composers may submit works for any of these
instruments but we especially welcome new works for combinations of Irish
traditional and contemporary instruments, including larger works for 8 or more
instruments. Please see the ‘Trad’ page on
<> for information about the Irish instruments and
links to video clips.
In addition, and with the assistance of the BBC, a Chamber ensemble from the
Ulster Orchestra will be available. This comprises: 2 violins, 2 violas, 2
cellos, 1 double bass, 2 flutes (1 doubling piccolo), 2 oboes (1 doubling cor
anglais), 2 Bb clarinets (1 doubling bass clarinet), 2 bassoons (1 doubling
contrabassoon), 1 french horn, 1 trumpet, 1 trombone, 1 tuba, timpani (1
player), 3 percussion, 1 keyboard. Submissions for this ensemble must be for
*no fewer than 14 instruments*.
*Please note*: submissions for smaller forces must be for the ‘Roots’ Ensemble
instruments. Music for other instrumental resources will be considered, but
composers will be responsible for sourcing their own performers. Where
possible, modest financial help may be offered to facilitate this.
The submission period for all music/paper/demo contributions is 1 December
2007 - 25 January 2008.
Details on the submission process will be posted on
<> on 1 December.
Contact: admin-*** <mailto:admin-***>
The Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen’s University, Belfast, in association
with the International Computer Music Association and the Sonorities Festival
of Contemporary Music, is proud to be hosting ICMC 2008. The Conference will
take place between 24-29 August 2008 in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The theme for 2008 is ‘Roots/Routes’. The Conference explores notions of
placement and displacement in the context of music practice. It provides an
opportunity for the investigation of the interface between technologies which
develop through international collaboration and the specificity of music
cultures rooted in a place.
The theme can be addressed through papers, compositions, installations and
performances which explore the sense of place and context in relation to sound
and technology. A growing list of conference topics can be seen on the website
(see ‘Themes’ and ‘Recent Comments’ on
<>). We welcome contributions to the debate on this
site. In addition to submissions addressing the conference theme, the
organising committee welcomes submissions on all traditional areas of computer
The Conference provides an opportunity to showcase works for tape and video
which exploit the unique 46-channel diffusion system at SARC. Details of the
diffusion system can be found at
In line with the theme for 2008, the Conference also exposes the synergies
between computer music and traditional musics. For 2008 there will be a
particular emphasis on Irish traditional music and a new ensemble has been
established which comprises internationally renowned contemporary and Irish
traditional music specialists. The ‘Roots’ Ensemble is designed to explore the
juxtaposition of two distinct performance practices and musical languages
through the creation of new repertoire. It comprises flute(s), saxophone(s),
trombone, piano, violin, cello, percussion, Irish fiddle, Irish harp,
accordion, and uilleann pipes. Composers may submit works for any of these
instruments but we especially welcome new works for combinations of Irish
traditional and contemporary instruments, including larger works for 8 or more
instruments. Please see the ‘Trad’ page on
<> for information about the Irish instruments and
links to video clips.
In addition, and with the assistance of the BBC, a Chamber ensemble from the
Ulster Orchestra will be available. This comprises: 2 violins, 2 violas, 2
cellos, 1 double bass, 2 flutes (1 doubling piccolo), 2 oboes (1 doubling cor
anglais), 2 Bb clarinets (1 doubling bass clarinet), 2 bassoons (1 doubling
contrabassoon), 1 french horn, 1 trumpet, 1 trombone, 1 tuba, timpani (1
player), 3 percussion, 1 keyboard. Submissions for this ensemble must be for
*no fewer than 14 instruments*.
*Please note*: submissions for smaller forces must be for the ‘Roots’ Ensemble
instruments. Music for other instrumental resources will be considered, but
composers will be responsible for sourcing their own performers. Where
possible, modest financial help may be offered to facilitate this.
The submission period for all music/paper/demo contributions is 1 December
2007 - 25 January 2008.
Details on the submission process will be posted on
<> on 1 December.
Contact: admin-*** <mailto:admin-***>